How to Spot your Flu Symptoms and Treat them

Treat flu Neath

In most cases, flu often gets better on its own. However, there are situations where it can make someone seriously ill. It’s essential that you get vaccinated against the flu when advised to do so. Even though we can treat flu in Neath, we always recommend that you get the flu vaccine to avoid catching the flu in the first place.

How to check if you have flu

Flu symptoms come on very fast and may include:

  • An aching body
  • A sore throat
  • A sudden high temperature of 38C or higher
  • Feeling exhausted and tired
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • A dry cough
  • A headache
  • Lack of appetite
  • Diarrhoea or stomach pain
  • Feeling unwell

Treat flu Neath

How to treat flu in Neath yourself

To increase your recovery rate, you should:

  • Keep warm
  • Rest and sleep
  • Avoid dehydration by drinking lots of water (the colour of your pee should be light yellow or clear)
  • Take ibuprofen or paracetamol to treat pains and aches as well as lower your temperature.

A pharmacist can help treat flu in Neath

A pharmacist can recommend flu remedies as well as treatment options.

Take note that using flu remedies while taking ibuprofen or paracetamol tablets might lead to you taking more than the recommended dose.

Antibiotics to treat flu in Neath

Pharmacists and GPs do not recommend antibiotics as they will not relieve you of any symptoms or speed up the recovery process.

Treat flu Neath

How to get the flu vaccine

The flu vaccine is offered on an annual basis on the NHS to protect people at higher risk of flu and the complications that come with it. It is safe and effective.

The best time to get the flu vaccine is during autumn before the flu begins to spread. However, you can still get the vaccine later.

Get Flu Vaccination

How to avoid spreading the flu

Flu is highly infectious and can easily spread among people. The chances of giving the flu to others are highest during the first five days.

Germs spread flu from sneezes and coughs, which can survive on hands and surfaces for up to 24 hours.

Below are ways you can reduce the chances of spreading the flu:

  • Wash your hands regularly with warm water and soap
  • Use tissues to trap germs when coughing or sneezing
  • Dispose of used tissues as fast as possible

Minor ailments Neath

The Welsh scheme for common ailments

Are you aware of the NHS scheme that provides prescription and over-the-counter medicines free of charge for a particular range of common illnesses?

Many minor health complications, that don’t require the doctor’s attention, can now be handled by a pharmacy near you at no cost. This includes the provision of medication to treat flu in Neath.

Learn More

Check out our latest blog post to learn more about staying healthy during autumn:

Stay Healthy

And treat a sore throat:

Treat Sore Throat

The NHS has empowered highly trained pharmacists to provide services that are saving patients both time and money while also relieving the pressure off overworked doctors.

You would probably be spoilt for choice with all the extra services that we offer. They include stop-smoking services, flu vaccinations, medicine reviews, and emergency contraception.

The Common Ailments Scheme is one of the most popular. It enables patients to receive free treatment from their pharmacists for 26 minor ailments such as athlete’s foot, verrucae, mouth ulcers, and acne.

Contact us today to book your appointment and treat flu in Neath.

Book An Appointment Get Flu Vaccination

This blog post was written on behalf of The Health Dispensary by Pharmacy Mentor.

Categories: Health, Wellness