Vit b12

In the realm of essential nutrients, vitamin B12 stands out for its vital role in maintaining our overall health and well-being. Yet, despite its importance, many people are unaware of the profound effects a deficiency can have on their health….


When it comes to fruits that offer both delicious flavor and a wealth of health benefits, cherries are at the top of the list. These small, vibrant fruits pack a powerful punch, providing a host of nutrients and compounds that…


Broccoli, a cruciferous vegetable, is often hailed as a superfood due to its impressive nutrient profile and myriad health benefits. This green vegetable is not only delicious but also packs a punch when it comes to promoting overall health. Let’s…


Introduction Dry skin is a common condition that can significantly impact daily life, confidence, and happiness. It can cause discomfort and frustration, making everyday more challenging. This blog explores the causes and conditions linked to dry skin and offers effective…


Frankincense has been revered for centuries, known for its aromatic and therapeutic properties. From ancient rituals to modern wellness practices, this potent resin derived from the Boswellia tree has stood the test of time. At The Health Dispensary, we believe…

In February 2024, the UK welcomed a significant development in the battle against obesity and weight-related health issues with the introduction of Mounjaro (tirzepatide). This innovative medication, initially developed for diabetes management, has been authorised by the Medicines and Healthcare…


Onions are a staple in many kitchens around the world, and for good reason. They add flavour and depth to countless dishes, but their benefits go far beyond taste. This humble vegetable is packed with nutrients that can contribute to…

Life can be very challenging especially when so much is going on in the world and it’s easy to fall into a negative spiral. You might be struggling with something at work or home, exhausted from caring for family members,…

As we mark International Women’s Day globally, it’s important to know about the issues affecting women’s health. Thrush is one of the health issues that affect women today; this common yeast infection can affect both men and women. It’s normally…

diet plan Neath

Considering the ongoing pandemic, staying healthy should probably be everyone’s priority this year. Millions of people across the UK make resolutions every New Year hoping to have better health by managing their weight, improving their fitness, adopting healthier diets, or…