
Life is full of unexpected challenges and changes that can affect our happiness, confidence, and daily life. From minor inconveniences to significant life events, how we respond to these changes can profoundly impact our mental health. One powerful philosophy that…

Life can be very challenging especially when so much is going on in the world and it’s easy to fall into a negative spiral. You might be struggling with something at work or home, exhausted from caring for family members,…

Demi Moore Shirley MacLaine Jessica Lange

Here’s a film that will make you smile! A bit naughty as the title suggests and quite daft with no fast car chases barring one taxi! No-one gets shot or maimed, no guts blood or glory – sorry thrill-seekers! It…

We love positive news and positive psychology at The Health Dispensary so an article we came across about the research of feel-good movies really tickled our fancy! Movies frequently referred to as feel-good include comedies, animated films and, of course,…

Let’s start as always with the good news! A study from the American College of Cardiology has shown drinking moderate amounts of alcohol can reduce stress-related signals which could lead to heart disease. The researchers have said this is the…

Mental Health Awareness

During Mental Health Awareness week, I’d been thinking about what that really means. Awareness days are abundant these days and becoming ever more creative- my particular favourite is “Talk like a Pirate day”. Awareness days can be fun or frivolous…

Love Lettering Sign

Love is Universal. We express love and compassion towards the people we have around us; our dearest loved ones, the community we belong to even the planet we live on. In positive psychology, fostering positive relationships is a key step…

Yellow Book by Alex Lemon called Happy

‘if positive psychology teaches us anything, it is that all of us are mixture of strengths and weaknesses. No one has it all, and no one lacks it all’   Christopher Peterson Positive psychology is a new, and particularly increasingly…

Man laughing

We love the idea that laughter can make you feel better and at The Health Dispensary we certainly appreciate doing a serious job with a lot of fun and laughter. It certainly makes the day go quickly and we think…


There are days in your life you look forward too and others you’d rather avoid. Today is one of the latter. Events and anniversaries have an effect, especially if they’re ones you’re trying your hardest to avoid. Today is the…