Thrush or vaginal candidiasis is generally thought as the overgrowth of an organism which occurs normally in the body (mostly the culprit is the fungus candida albicans) It is relatively common and affect about three-quarters of women between the ages of…
It’s not surprising that dog worms are widespread in the environment. A good number of dogs, even healthy ones, have worms almost all the time. This is possible because dogs usually go outside, sometimes eat questionable substances, and often roll…
As we mark International Women’s Day globally, it’s important to know about the issues affecting women’s health. Thrush is one of the health issues that affect women today; this common yeast infection can affect both men and women. It’s normally…
In the UK, vets have been a one-stop shop for all things animal-related for many years now. However, if your pet requires less urgent or long term medication, did you know that your local pharmacy can fulfil the prescription for…
Emergency contraception is a method of preventing pregnancy following unprotected sex, or if the contraception used failed in one way or another – for example, a condom coming off or breaking during sex. Keep reading to learn more about getting…
Considering the ongoing pandemic, staying healthy should probably be everyone’s priority this year. Millions of people across the UK make resolutions every New Year hoping to have better health by managing their weight, improving their fitness, adopting healthier diets, or…
If you’ve finally made up your mind to manage your weight and become healthier and fitter, that’s fantastic. However, you’ll probably get confused by the amount of information available on every platform on how to lose weight. Managing weight requires…
A cough is the body’s way of clearing the airways of mucus and irritants like smoke or dust. It’s rarely considered a sign of a severe health condition. Most cough cases go away on their own without the need for…
Also referred to as Dermatitis, Eczema is a kind of dry skin condition. Keep reading to know more about how to treat Eczema in Neath. Eczema is the name given to a combination of dry skin complications that result in…
In most cases, flu often gets better on its own. However, there are situations where it can make someone seriously ill. It’s essential that you get vaccinated against the flu when advised to do so. Even though we can treat…