How Do You Spot Thrush & What’s the Best Treatment?


As we mark International Women’s Day globally, it’s important to know about the issues affecting women’s health. Thrush is one of the health issues that affect women today; this common yeast infection can affect both men and women. It’s normally harmless in most instances, but it can be persistent and uncomfortable. Thrush is not categorised under sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Continue reading to learn how to treat thrush in Neath.

What are the symptoms of thrush in women?

The following are the most common symptoms associated with thrush:

  • White vaginal discharge with no smell.
  • Irritation and itching around the vaginal area.
  • Stinging and soreness when urinating or during sex.

Thrush in other areas

Other parts of the skin, like the groin, between the fingers, and armpits can also be affected by thrush.

It usually leads to a red and itchy rash characterised by yellow or white discharge. This may not be so visible on darker skin.

Sometimes thrush can appear with no symptoms at all. That’s why it’s important to learn how to treat thrush in Neath.

Happy woman

What causes thrush?

Even though thrush can be triggered by sex, it does not fall under sexually transmitted infections (STI).

Thrush happens due to a fungus known as candida, which is otherwise harmless. It’s typically found in warm, moist environments and arises if bacteria balance is interrupted.

This can happen if:

  • Your skin is damaged or irritated.
  • You’re taking antibiotics.
  • You’ve poorly managed your diabetes.
  • Your immune system is weakened – this can be due to HIV or chemotherapy.
  • You’re undergoing hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
  • You’re pregnant.

How to treat thrush in Neath

Does thrush disappear on its own? You will generally require antifungal medicine to manage thrush if it’s persistent or if it begins showing symptoms. It can be in the form of a tablet you take, a tablet inserted into the vagina (pessary), or in the form of a cream to reverse the irritation.

Thrush should normally go away within 7-14 days after beginning treatment.

Your partner doesn’t require any treatment unless they are experiencing symptoms.

Recurring thrushHow to treat thrush in Neath

In cases where thrush keeps recurring (more than 4 times in 12 months), you may be required to take treatment for up to 6 months.

A pharmacist or GP should be able to identify the cause of your thrush.

You’ll be advised on how often you should use your treatment.

A woman who just learned how to treat thrush in Neath

When to see a pharmacist to treat thrush in Neath

You should talk to your pharmacist if:

  • You experience thrush symptoms for the first time
  • You’re below 16 years of age or over 60
  • Thrush keeps recurring (more than 4 times in 12 months)
  • Treatment is not effective
  • You’re pregnant or breastfeeding
  • You have thrush, and your immune system is weak – it can be because of HIV, diabetes, or chemotherapy

How do I get instant relief from thrush?

  • Use water and emollient (such as E45 cream) rather than soap to clean the affected part.
  • Dry the area properly after cleaning.
  • If sex is uncomfortable, avoid it until thrush is gone.
  • Don’t use shower gels – any product that foams can dry your skin, get rid of the good bacteria and worsen your symptoms.
  • Wear cotton underwear.
  • Do not use deodorants or douches on your vagina or penis.
  • Avoid tight underwear or tights.

Get in touch with us today or visit us to treat thrush.

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This blog post was written on behalf of The Health Dispensary by Pharmacy Mentor.

Categories: Common Ailments (NHS), Pharmacist Prescriptions, Wellness