insect bite hiker

Introduction Insect bites are a common nuisance that can cause discomfort and itching. Whether you’ve been bitten by mosquitoes, ants, bees, or other pesky bugs, finding the right treatment is essential to alleviate the symptoms and prevent potential complications. In…

man touching his bottom

Threadworms are a common ailment in children and are spread quite easilyLet’s take a look at how you can treat common ailmentssuch as threadworms in Neath with our NHS common ailments scheme. THREADWORMS Threadworms cause intense itching around the bottom, leading toscratching…

dry eyes

Conjunctivitis is on of the most common minor ailments we see each day in our pharmacies.Let’s take a look at how you can treat common ailmentssuch as conjunctivitis in Neath with our NHS common ailments scheme. CoNjunctivitis Conjunctivitis is caused by…

cure thrush

Thrush or vaginal candidiasis is generally thought as the overgrowth of an organism which occurs normally in the body (mostly the culprit is the fungus candida albicans) It is relatively common and affect about three-quarters of women between the ages of…

As we mark International Women’s Day globally, it’s important to know about the issues affecting women’s health. Thrush is one of the health issues that affect women today; this common yeast infection can affect both men and women. It’s normally…

Emergency contraception is a method of preventing pregnancy following unprotected sex, or if the contraception used failed in one way or another – for example, a condom coming off or breaking during sex. Keep reading to learn more about getting…

treat cough Neath

A cough is the body’s way of clearing the airways of mucus and irritants like smoke or dust. It’s rarely considered a sign of a severe health condition. Most cough cases go away on their own without the need for…

treat eczema Neath

Also referred to as Dermatitis, Eczema is a kind of dry skin condition. Keep reading to know more about how to treat Eczema in Neath. Eczema is the name given to a combination of dry skin complications that result in…

treat sore throat neath

As we move into the colder months, you may be starting to come down with a dreaded sore throat. Often, it can be difficult to determine the source of your discomfort, and what you can do to treat it. That’s…

mouth ailments neath

Cold sores and mouth ulcers are extremely common but easy to confuse for one another. Let’s take a look at the common symptoms of each, and how you can treat these common ailments in Neath with the NHS common ailments…