
Make an Appointment with our Pharmacist instead of waiting to see the GP. You can still get FREE NHS treatment if appropriate and get expert advice from a health professional.

Haemorrhoids is one of the conditions for which you can make a NHS Health Appointment. Haemorrhoids, also known as piles, are swollen blood vessels in the anal or rectal area. They can be internal, located inside the rectum, or external, found around the anus. Haemorrhoids can cause discomfort, itching, pain, and sometimes bleeding during bowel movements.

Haemorrhoids are very sensitive and our Pharmacists understand the importance of addressing such issues with care and empathy. We can give you confidence that you’re treating your condition correctly.

Book Online for your convenience or pop into either of our NHS pharmacy branches in Neath for a chat with our friendly team.

If this is not suitable please check our our Conditions page to see if this is something we can prescribe for privately Online

NHS Fee £0
Book Now @Windsor Rd Clinic