
Make an Appointment with our Pharmacist instead of waiting to see the GP and get expert advice from a health professional.

Diarrhoea is one of the conditions for which you can make a NHS Health Appointment for advice only. Our Pharmacist Prescribers may be able to help though if suitable for treatment. Diarrhea is a condition characterized by loose, watery stools that occur more frequently than usual. While it’s something we might not always feel comfortable discussing, it’s important to recognise that diarrhoea can be caused by various factors, ranging from infections to dietary choices. Not all types of Diarrhoea are treated the same way, so our Pharmacist can give you confidence that you’re treating the right condition.

Book Online for your convenience or pop into either of our NHS pharmacy branches in Neath for a chat with our friendly team.
If this is not suitable please check our our Conditions page to see if this is something we can prescribe for privately Online.


NHS Fee £0
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