vet Prescriptions

We understand how much Pets are part of our families and that you want the same level of service for them as you do yourself.

We can register your Pet as part of your family on our Pharmacy computer system and we’re happy to welcome well-behaved dogs to wait inside with you. They’re quite likely to get lots of fuss!

You can request a prescription from your Vet for us to dispense but please check the price and availability of it with us first. Veterinarians are legally obliged to issue you with a prescription but are allowed to make a reasonable charge for doing this. Most vets charge around £10 (2021) but it can be more or less. If your pet is on long-term medication, a repeat prescription may mean you won’t have to pay for a new prescription every time – ask your vet if this is an option.

Many veterinary medicines are special order, there are some that are the same brand as human ones, so please allow this extra time for preparing the prescription. You will usually receive a special animal brand medicine specific to your pet type as this means it’s been licensed or scientifically tested and guaranteed to be safe. If this is not possible, according to the The British Small Animal Veterinary Association you may receive:

1. A veterinary medicine authorised in the UK for use in another animal species or for a different condition in the same species.
2. If there is no such product, either
a)    a medicine authorised in the UK for human use, or
b)    a veterinary medicinal product (VMP) not authorised in the UK but authorised in another Member State (MS) for use in any animal species

We always try to keep costs affordable and will give you the best price and service we can. If you tell us what you currently pay, we’ll see if we can better it but will always advise if it’s better to get from your Vet – your pet and family health is always our main concern.

We also stock a range of pet self-care medicines such as wormers, flea treatments and products for stress. Our wellness pharmacists are experienced in their requests for animals and will offer as much advice as they can, but also mindful of when its best to refer to your veterinary practice.

Contact us Today to find out if we can Help look after your Fur-babies (feathers and other skin coverings also welcome!)

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