Weight Loss

***CURRENTLY AVAILABLE FOR COLLECTION ONLY AT OUR NEATH CLINIC*** We understand that losing weight can be difficult and demotivating, especially if your hard work isn’t reflected on your bathroom scales. We know that losing weight and improving your health can significantly increase your quality of life, but the old formula of Eat Less and Move More is scientifically outdated for many people. If you've decided on medicated weight management to help, please fill out the form below so that our Prescribing Pharmacist can decide if the treatment will be suitable for you.

Please answer the following questions about yourself (or for the person that will take this medicine) If you get stuck or need any help, use our CHAT button below or give us a Call on 01639 502860


Please select either Metric or Imperial measurements :

Metric (Meters and Kilograms)
Imperial (Feet and Pounds)

Transmale (Born a female)
Transfemale (Born a male)

Presently Pregnant
Presently Breastfeeding
Planning on getting pregnant
Neither Pregnant nor Breastfeeding

